
- 1
自民都連の公募に「名乗り出る人がいなかった」…裏金問題でバチバチの都議会が閉会 次は6月の都議選へ1 : 2025/03/28(金) 23:29:54.12 ID:IhEe0KHB9 東京都議会第1回定例会は28日閉会し、各会派は都議選(定数127、6月13日告示、22日投開票)に向けた動きを加...
- 2
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- 3
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- 4
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- 5
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- 6
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- 7
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- 8
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- 9
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- 10
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- 11
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- 12
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- 13
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- 14
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- 15
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- 16
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- 1 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:44:03.78 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- The problem faced by people who don't speak English is the significant disadvantage they encounter in accessing global opportunities. English has become the dominant language of communication in fields like business, technology, and academia. Individuals who are not proficient in English face limitations in finding employment, accessing education, and participating in global conversations. They may struggle to navigate the internet, access vital information, or engage in cross-cultural collaborations. This language barrier hampers their social and economic advancement, resulting in unequal opportunities and a potential exclusion from the benefits of a globalized world.
- 3 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:46:06.25 ID:FjnclJOqa
- なるほど
- 4 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:46:42.33 ID:UpM0r7TRd
- だな
- 8 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:49:23.46 ID:mI5ejqA3M
- で、学歴は?
- 9 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:49:32.20 ID:FPfXdZm40
- 受験から3年英語触れてなかったけど読めるもんやな
- 10 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:50:11.83 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- Also the predicament faced by individuals lacking English proficiency is the formidable impediment they encounter in accessing global opportunities. English has emerged as the predominant lingua franca in domains such as commerce, technology, and academia. Non-English speakers confront significant hurdles in securing employment, acquiring education, and participating in transnational discourse. They grapple with navigating the internet, procuring essential information, and engaging in cross-cultural collaborations. This linguistic barrier curtails their social and economic progress, engendering disparate prospects and potential marginalization from the dividends of a globally interconnected society.
- 11 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:50:39.77 ID:mI5ejqA3M
- >>10
で、学歴は? - 12 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:50:48.76 ID:vgmYOyiMM
- 一番最初にAIに奪われる仕事→翻訳家
- 13 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:50:49.12 ID:loMxxtVfd
- 英検 1級どころか2級とかその辺やろこの英文
- 21 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:54:31.44 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- >>13
馬鹿だね、二級じゃ一瞬でこのスピーチはできないよ - 14 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:50:56.61 ID:mI5ejqA3M
- 英語はあくまでツールなんよ
イッチは英語で何ができるん? - 17 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:51:47.52 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- 主文は?
釣りにしても高卒レベルやな - 18 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:51:53.14 ID:WWXuAmMVM
- なんで同じこと2回喋ったの?
- 19 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:53:26.70 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- I graduate from Keio university, and in my opinion academic credentials bear substantial weight, influencing one's cognitive prowess and socioeconomic standing. Institutions of higher learning, renowned for erudition, provide specialized curricula fostering critical thinking and expertise. Advanced degrees, like doctorates, signify profound commitment to scholarly pursuits and mastery of specific disciplines. A broad-based education, encompassing multidisciplinary knowledge and cultural literacy, nurtures adaptability in a changing world. Continuing education sustains knowledge currency, ensuring awareness of cutting-edge advancements. Education catalyzes cognitive growth, refining analytical prowess, and empowering meaningful intellectual and societal contributions.
- 20 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:54:02.41 ID:OuuOEmc20
- 英語できるようになりたいけど介護士の俺はどう活かせばいい
- 22 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:54:36.16 ID:wxv6CjQPM
- >>20
医学部いけ - 50 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:24:58.49 ID:OuuOEmc20
- >>22
医学部いく金なんてないわ - 23 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:54:58.69 ID:7qrnUvYp0
- 義によりて語によらざれ、やで
- 24 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:55:15.82 ID:87tP20+x0
- 3行でたのむわ
英語なら長文許されるとか甘えやろ - 25 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:55:32.63 ID:kucCTqRp0
- とりあえず現時点ではヒアリングとスピーキングが最優先やろなぁ
日本人の耳がそうなってないのが致命的やわ - 26 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:56:29.49 ID:fA+6802s0
- 高卒英語しゃべれんけど、海外の取引相手は英語しゃべる部下がいるから十分
- 27 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:56:47.57 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- 未だ主文無し
ディスカッションは出来ず - 30 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:59:18.60 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- >>27
Apologies for the previous oversight. Please find below a counterargument with more advanced vocabulary:It is lamentable to observe the absence of a coherent thesis in the preceding statements, which bear resemblance to the work of an individual with limited educational background. It appears that the author fails to grasp the intricacies of the topic at hand, rendering a discussion based on nuanced vocabulary and complex reasoning rather challenging. To engage in a fruitful discourse, it is imperative to present well-articulated viewpoints fortified by comprehensive research and scholarly insight. Without a solid foundation of knowledge and critical thinking skills, meaningful exchanges on this subject may prove elusive.
- 31 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:03:02.42 ID:itHos8FrM
- >>30
最初の部分はプロンプトに答えてるところなんだからコピペしなくていいんじゃない - 33 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:04:55.09 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- >>31
The assertion made regarding the unnecessary inclusion of the initial segment holds merit, as it appears to be a repetition of the prompt itself. In order to engender a more intellectually stimulating discussion, it is essential to augment the discourse with a judicious selection of elaborate lexical choices and nuanced expressions. By transcending the confines of commonplace vocabulary, one can harness the full potential of linguistic dexterity and embark upon an exploration of the topic at hand that is replete with intellectual rigor and meaningful insight. - 34 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:05:22.96 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- >>30
主張がなければただのガラクタと一緒 - 37 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:09:27.19 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- >>34
While linguistic proficiency is undoubtedly a valuable tool, it is the underlying substance that truly defines the worth of any argument. Mere mastery of language without a coherent and compelling thesis renders one's discourse akin to meaningless clutter. The potency of an argument lies in its cogency, logical reasoning, and evidentiary support. It is the depth of analysis, insightful perspectives, and intellectual rigor that imbue discourse with substance and significance. Language, though essential, serves as a vehicle to articulate one's ideas, but it is the strength of the ideas themselves that determines their ultimate value. - 38 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:12:20.15 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- >>37
おまんはまずそのコンプの塊どげんかせや - 39 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:12:51.17 ID:YYtkYRCAM
- >>38
きみChatGPTと話してるよ - 41 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:14:13.60 ID:UJCzRRaoa
- >>38
The assertion of repetitiveness is somewhat misplaced, as the intention was to ensure a comprehensive exploration of the topic at hand. While it may appear persistent, this approach allows for a more thorough examination of complex concepts, fostering intellectual rigor. The pursuit of a nuanced discourse necessitates revisiting and expanding upon ideas to unearth deeper insights. It is through this diligent process that the essence of a topic is unraveled, enabling a more profound understanding and encouraging the development of multifaceted perspectives. Therefore, perseverance in thought and articulation is integral to the pursuit of intellectual growth. - 43 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:16:27.05 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- >>41
もう堂々巡りダルくて読まんから好き勝手書いてな - 28 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:57:11.54 ID:OIYMaDYZM
- 具体例もなく同じことをつらつら繰り返しとるだけの駄文やな
すごく読みやすいのはええけど - 29 : 2023/05/28(日) 02:59:14.09 ID:Ujm7ycxWM
- スピーチはしてないよね
原稿じゃなくて録音あげないと - 35 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:06:42.82 ID:oU5ziMzx0
- まあ自分で書いたもんがブーメランやって気づいてからがスタートやな
- 36 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:07:30.81 ID:WvxbSNUqM
- ワイはニートやけどこんな深夜に立ててる時点で自分より上が現れるの恐れてるんだよね🤭あとなんGのほうが人多いし🤭
- 40 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:14:01.76 ID:ad9mjlQe0
- でも良かったね。学校行かなくてもこうしてなんj民でさえ英語ができる風を装える。いい時代やん
- 51 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:25:13.30 ID:3K+DFUlur
- 52 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:30:28.06 ID:vTLy38V80
- いうて日本語もまともに扱えない奴らが別の言語を身につけることなんてできるか?
- 57 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:33:07.85 ID:KG2SW7MO0
- かっこよくになるのか!
- 59 : 2023/05/28(日) 03:35:48.96 ID:iD1mKiQbd
- >>57日本語的な意味で考えすぎてる。