- 1 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:47:46.27 ID:p7/0rPyv9
Trevon Ellis spent years building up his north Minneapolis barbershop, the Fade Factory, attracting customers with smart haircuts, snacks and friendly conversation.
It took just one terrible night to destroy it all.
"Inside is totally burned down," Ellis says. "Everything was burned to a crisp."
The recent wave of protests against police brutality has left a trail of chaos and destruction in many city neighborhoods, with countless businesses looted and damaged.
Among them are some African American businesses, which were already hard hit by the coronavirus lockdowns and are decidedly more vulnerable to the economic downturn.
The number of black-owned businesses has grown sharply over the years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, but most are tiny operations financed not through bank credit but personal funds and loans from friends and family.
They "are not mom and pops. They're mom or pops," says Ron Busby, president and CEO of U.S. Black Chambers Inc.
Ellis, 42, was trained as a barber more than a decade ago and began renting space in a barber shop in a rough part of Minneapolis. He printed out business cards with his name on them and passed them out everywhere he went.
"If you're motivated and self-driven, which is what it takes to be a barber, the financial part of it is limitless," Ellis says.
A self-described "people person," Ellis loves chatting with customers, hearing their confidences and, in the process, leaving them looking better than when they came in.
"If they can look at theirself in the mirror or get compliments from people that see them with a nice haircut, it actually makes people more positive, more lighthearted," Ellis says.
When the lockdowns began in March, Ellis was forced to shut his shop down. While some of his regular customers begged him to cut their hair on the sly, he says he worried about contagion.
The weeks since then have been rough financially and boring as well.
"I slept a lot, but you only can sleep so much. You only can surf the internet so much. There's only so much social media you want to feed in your brain because you can't believe everything you see or hear on there," Ellis says.
- 2 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:48:43.00 ID:kUOzJP0O0
- 恨むなら見境なく暴れる黒人を恨め。
- 3 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:49:22.58 ID:13EzuAzn0
- >>1
ほらね、差別されるだけのことはあるでしょ - 4 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:49:30.89 ID:D+WzligX0
- 保険はないのか?
- 5 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:49:35.79 ID:vpxx8ErK0
- >>1
こいつらわざとやってんじゃねぇかな… - 34 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:58:44.38 ID:kXXwepk10
- >>5
公共機関じゃなくてショッピングモールでデモを企画する時点で略奪目的じゃねーかって現地でもまともな人からは言われているらしいね - 6 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:49:39.53 ID:KC6s8QFG0
- 「ぶらっくりぶすまたぁぁぁ」って叫びながら黒人の店を焼き払うとか、もはや壮大なコントだな。全く笑えんけど。
- 7 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:49:53.48 ID:4zjzpogs0
- ニガーがなんか言ってる
- 8 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:50:04.04 ID:0q5MszHN0
- ネトウヨがネトウヨを襲うようなもんか。
日本にもあったな。 - 9 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:50:41.80 ID:QWOu3MrO0
- デモに託けた破壊!可哀想に
- 10 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:50:45.94 ID:kdNisNw60
- 2枚目の写真、悲しい目をしてる
- 11 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:50:54.20 ID:VWMh191f0
- あっけらかーのかーかーかーだよ
- 12 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:51:04.72 ID:XspcX/Ip0
- アジア人の店を燃やせよって思ってそう
- 13 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:51:07.05 ID:hFf2Kf3x0
- デモ=略奪だから諦めろ
- 14 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:51:27.92 ID:u8aZJC+Z0
- ただただ気の毒だ
- 15 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:51:36.89 ID:waQd2Zox0
- 俺達は今戦争でも疫病でもなくポリコレによって社会が死にゆく様子をリアルタイムで目撃出来ているのかもしれない
この貴重な体験を君も精神に焼き付けろ - 16 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:52:19.21 ID:lbz1bqQ50
- 黒人経営とか関係ないしな略奪に放火なんでもあり
アメリカは格差が激しすぎてマトモに教育受けてないやつも山ほどいるんだろう - 17 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:53:29.70 ID:MskXuaiN0
- 在特会はよく肝に命じておくように
- 18 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:53:43.36 ID:FM4VfCnR0
- 日本帝国主義が悪い。謝罪と賠償を。
- 19 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:54:13.50 ID:dD0iqT5N0
- だから支持されんのだろうな
アイコン黒にしてる奴も大体香ばしい - 20 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:54:14.97 ID:FAOImn/S0
- 暴動と放火を憎め、同意する
- 21 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:54:24.44 ID:2+86MTDj0
- 今回の略奪は聖なる行動らしいから、喜んで受け入れなよw
- 22 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:54:37.90 ID:xxiLBE490
- 黒人は音楽やダンスやスポーツで特別な才能がある
- 23 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:54:48.74 ID:lsoZejo80
- 「民度」
やはり麻生さんの発言は正しかった? - 24 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:57:04.68 ID:jPikWZyY0
- 日本は今こういうのはない分麻生の言うとおり民度は高いんだろうなあ
- 25 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:57:14.74 ID:/q4Nt3yX0
- ゆかや
- 27 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:57:48.31 ID:AEghnTpa0
- 中国人の暗躍
- 28 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:57:54.81 ID:J7XrIti60
- 現在では略奪放火は正義になっている。
戦争が近づいている。 - 30 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:58:11.47 ID:7Qbx8mZI0
- ワロタ
- 31 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:58:12.46 ID:YtBMkBft0
- クロンボ解放の為に努力してデモ隊に文句言うなんて、クロンボの風上にもおけないな
- 32 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:58:34.57 ID:uvDz/rj50
- >>1
なにわろてんねん - 33 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:58:34.72 ID:qSIHUfplO
- アイ ヘイト ニガー
- 35 : 2020/06/06(土) 18:59:47.26 ID:kXXwepk10
- いいことだけいっているリベラルホワイトはこういう目に遭わないからな